
YOGYAKARTA (often also called Jogja, Yogya, or Yogyakarta) is located in the middle of Java Island - Indonesia, where everything was cheap.Enough with the Rp.200.000 a day, you can stay, eat traditional cuisine of the famous, and rent a bike to explore the beaches are still virgin and ancient temples thousands of years old. Borobudur This is what founded the Kingdom of Borobudur temple which is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Other relics are the temple of Prambanan, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples that have been restored and are still buried under the ground. But by some mysterious reason, the Ancient Mataram Kingdom central government moved to East Java in the 10th century.Magnificent temples were abandoned and partially buried by the eruption of Mount Merapi material.Slowly, the Yogyakarta region went back into the thick forest. Six hundred years later, Panembahan Senopati establish Islamic Mataram kingdom in this region. Once again Yogyakarta to witness the history of empire that controls the island of Java and its surroundings. Islamic Mataram Kingdom has left a trail of ruins of the citadel and royal tombs in Kotagede now known as a center for silver in Yogyakarta Puppet Show Giyanti agreement in 1755 dividing the kingdom of Mataram Islam became Kasunan Surakarta, based in the city of Solo and Yogyakarta Sultanate who founded the palace in the city of Yogyakarta. Kraton (palace) was still standing until now and still serves as a residence sultan and his family, complete with hundreds of courtiers who voluntarily run a tradition in the midst of changing times. At the palace, every day there are cultural performances of wayang kulit performances, gamelan, Javanese dance, etc. (see Schedule of Events). Yogyakarta at the present is a place of tradition and modern dynamics go hand in hand. In Yogyakarta there are courts with hundreds of courtiers loyal to the tradition, but also there is the University of Gadjah Mada University, which is one of the leading universities in Southeast Asia. In Yogyakarta, some people living in an agrarian culture is thick, but there are also the student with life-style pop. In Yogyakarta there are traditional markets and handicrafts while standing next to the mall, no less hectic. Beach Sundak At the north end of Yogyakarta, you will see Mount Merapi stands proudly as high as 9738 feet. This mountain is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Traces the fierce eruption of Mount Merapi in 2006 and can be witnessed in the village of Kaliadem, 30 km from the city of Yogyakarta. Landscape style Mooi Indië green expanse of rice fields and Mount Merapi in the background can still be seen on the outskirts of the city of Yogyakarta. In the southern part of Yogyakarta, you will find many beaches. The most famous beach is Parangtritis with legend Nyi Roro Kidul, Yogyakarta but also has natural beaches in Gunung Kidul beautiful. You can see Sadeng which is a primordial Solo River estuary before a powerful tectonic forces lifted the surface of the southern island of Java so that the flow of the river turned to the north like today. You also can visit the beach which has 250 channels Siung rock climbing, Beach Sundak, and others (see Beaches). Malaysia has the world's tallest twin towers, Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta has a towering 47 meters tall and is made by hand 1100 years earlier. Singapore has a modern life, Yogyakarta has a traditional agrarian society. Thailand and Bali has beautiful beaches, Yogyakarta has natural beaches and Mount Merapi, which saves the story of how powerful the forces of nature. A unique combination of ancient temples, history, tradition, culture, and the forces of nature make Yogyakarta is well worth a visit. diytransport.blogspot.com sites will help you plan a visit to Yogyakarta and enjoy the best charm of this place. We provide abundant information about the sights, star hotels, cheap hotels, restaurants, food stalls, travel agents, rental car and all the information you need to travel to Yogyakarta / Jogja. Free Web Site Counters
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Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Museum Rekor Indonesia

Pusat Dokumentasi Rekor Superlatif Indonesia

Jika dunia memiliki Guiness Book of Recordssebagai tempat untuk mencatat aneka rekor yang pernah dipecahkan di dunia, Indonesia pun memiliki sebuah museum sebagai tempat menghimpun data rekor-rekor superlatif yang dibuat oleh putra-putri Indonesia. Museum yang diresmikan pada 27 Januari 1990 ini bernama Museum Rekor Dunia Indonesia atau lebih sering dikenal dengan nama Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI). Didirikan atas inisiatif Jaya Suprana, generasi ketiga pendiri PT Jamu Jago, keberadaan MURI bertujuan untuk menggugah inspirasi dan semangat masyarakat Indonesia untuk selalu berjuang menghasilkan karya yang terbaik sesuai dengan keahliannya masing-masing. Museum Rekor Indonesia terletak satu kompleks dengan pabrik Jamu Jago, sehingga banyak orang menyebut museum ini dengan nama Museum Jamu Jago.
Jajaran patung jago hitam dengan jengger merah berdiri di balik pagar tanaman menyambut kedatangan kami. Setelah memarkir kendaraan dan lapor kepada petugas jaga, kami pun berjalan menuju Museum Rekor Indonesia yang terletak di lantai dua. Tak ada tiket yang perlu dibayarkan untuk masuk ke museum ini. Memasuki museum kami sempat terkejut dengan keadaannya yang sangat bersih dan terang, berbeda jauh dengan image museum yang cenderung kotor dan suram. Jendela kaca yang ada dibiarkan terbuka sehingga mengalirkan udara dan cahaya. Kesan pengap dan gelap langsung lenyap, berganti dengan wangi khas jamu yang sedang diolah di pabrik.
Setelah mengisi buku tamu, kami pun mulai mengeksplorasi isi museum. Pandangan kami langsung tertumbuk pada lipstik raksasa setingi 3 meter yang memecahkan rekor sebagai lipstik terbesar di Indonesia. Di sebelah lipstik terdapat lukisan wajah Ciputra berukuran 2,44 m x 1,87 m. Yang menarik dari lukisan ini adalah keseluruhannya terbuat dari paku yang jika ditimbang beratnya mencapai 1,5 kuintal. Satu lagi yang menyedot perhatian yaitu patung Budha terkecil yang terbuat dari rangkaian korek api. Mengingat kapasitas ruangan yang tidak begitu besar untuk menyimpan aneka benda, rekor-rekor yang sudah dipecahkan disimpan dalam bentuk dokumentasi kegiatan.
Selain menyimpan dokumentasi rekor di Indonesia, museum ini juga memiliki koleksi aneka benda yang berhubungan dengan PT Jamu Jago yang merupakan perusahaan jamu pertama di Indonesia. Koleksi tersebut berupa alat-alat yang pertama kali digunakan untuk memproduksi jamu, sampel jamu yang diproduksi pada tahun-tahun awal pendirian, maket alur produksi jamu, simplisia jamu, piagam penghargaan dan beragam koleksi lain. Usai melihat semua koleksi kami pun beranjak menuju mini bar tempat menjual aneka jamu. Jika pemberitahuan jadwal kunjungan sudah dilakukan sejak jauh-jauh hari, Anda bisa mendapatkan segelas jamu Buyung Upik atau Selasi Kunir Asem yang menyegarkan secara cuma-cuma.
Jam buka:
Senin - Jumat, pk 09:00 - 14:00 WIB (tanggal merah tutup)
Bagi pelajar maupun wisatawan yang akan berkunjung secara berombongan diharapkan memberitahukan jadwal kunjungan paling lambat dua minggu sebelum kunjungan dilaksanakan.

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