
YOGYAKARTA (often also called Jogja, Yogya, or Yogyakarta) is located in the middle of Java Island - Indonesia, where everything was cheap.Enough with the Rp.200.000 a day, you can stay, eat traditional cuisine of the famous, and rent a bike to explore the beaches are still virgin and ancient temples thousands of years old. Borobudur This is what founded the Kingdom of Borobudur temple which is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Other relics are the temple of Prambanan, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples that have been restored and are still buried under the ground. But by some mysterious reason, the Ancient Mataram Kingdom central government moved to East Java in the 10th century.Magnificent temples were abandoned and partially buried by the eruption of Mount Merapi material.Slowly, the Yogyakarta region went back into the thick forest. Six hundred years later, Panembahan Senopati establish Islamic Mataram kingdom in this region. Once again Yogyakarta to witness the history of empire that controls the island of Java and its surroundings. Islamic Mataram Kingdom has left a trail of ruins of the citadel and royal tombs in Kotagede now known as a center for silver in Yogyakarta Puppet Show Giyanti agreement in 1755 dividing the kingdom of Mataram Islam became Kasunan Surakarta, based in the city of Solo and Yogyakarta Sultanate who founded the palace in the city of Yogyakarta. Kraton (palace) was still standing until now and still serves as a residence sultan and his family, complete with hundreds of courtiers who voluntarily run a tradition in the midst of changing times. At the palace, every day there are cultural performances of wayang kulit performances, gamelan, Javanese dance, etc. (see Schedule of Events). Yogyakarta at the present is a place of tradition and modern dynamics go hand in hand. In Yogyakarta there are courts with hundreds of courtiers loyal to the tradition, but also there is the University of Gadjah Mada University, which is one of the leading universities in Southeast Asia. In Yogyakarta, some people living in an agrarian culture is thick, but there are also the student with life-style pop. In Yogyakarta there are traditional markets and handicrafts while standing next to the mall, no less hectic. Beach Sundak At the north end of Yogyakarta, you will see Mount Merapi stands proudly as high as 9738 feet. This mountain is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Traces the fierce eruption of Mount Merapi in 2006 and can be witnessed in the village of Kaliadem, 30 km from the city of Yogyakarta. Landscape style Mooi Indiƫ green expanse of rice fields and Mount Merapi in the background can still be seen on the outskirts of the city of Yogyakarta. In the southern part of Yogyakarta, you will find many beaches. The most famous beach is Parangtritis with legend Nyi Roro Kidul, Yogyakarta but also has natural beaches in Gunung Kidul beautiful. You can see Sadeng which is a primordial Solo River estuary before a powerful tectonic forces lifted the surface of the southern island of Java so that the flow of the river turned to the north like today. You also can visit the beach which has 250 channels Siung rock climbing, Beach Sundak, and others (see Beaches). Malaysia has the world's tallest twin towers, Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta has a towering 47 meters tall and is made by hand 1100 years earlier. Singapore has a modern life, Yogyakarta has a traditional agrarian society. Thailand and Bali has beautiful beaches, Yogyakarta has natural beaches and Mount Merapi, which saves the story of how powerful the forces of nature. A unique combination of ancient temples, history, tradition, culture, and the forces of nature make Yogyakarta is well worth a visit. diytransport.blogspot.com sites will help you plan a visit to Yogyakarta and enjoy the best charm of this place. We provide abundant information about the sights, star hotels, cheap hotels, restaurants, food stalls, travel agents, rental car and all the information you need to travel to Yogyakarta / Jogja. Free Web Site Counters
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Selasa, 10 Januari 2012


TAWANGMANGU - Menikmati Segarnya Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu di Lereng Gunung Lawu

Meski berada di garis ekuator dengan suhu udara panas dan lembab, Indonesia dianugerahi dengan banyak pegunungan yang menawarkan kesejukan. Salah satunya adalah Tawangmangu, kurang lebih 37 km sebelah timur Solo. Meskipun terletak di lereng gunung, kawasan wisata ini termasuk salah satu yang paling mudah untuk dikunjungi. Angkutan bus umum hampir setiap saat siap mengantar para wisatawan sampai ke terminal utama. Perjalanan darat selama kurang lebih 1,5 jam dari terminal Solo sudah menjadi daya tarik tersendiri. Pemandangan indah areal persawahan di kiri dan kanan jalan siap menyapa begitu memasuki wilayah Karanganyar.
Suasana pagi Tawangmangu sangat indah dan eksotik. Udara dingin khas pegunungan dan kabut dari puncak gunung yang menyelimuti memberikan aura keindahan tersendiri. Berjalan-jalan sambil menikmati indahnya areal persawahan, melihat aktivitas penduduk di pagi hari, ataupun menjelajahi pasar sangat manjur untuk menghilangkan penat dari kesibukan sehari-hari. Tawangmangu juga populer dengan produksi sayur dan buah-buahan segar. Sawah-sawah yang ditanami sawi, wortel, lobak, strawberry, dan aneka hasil bumi lainnya membentang dimana-mana.
YogYES juga mengunjungi sebuah air terjun setinggi 81 meter yang terletak di kawasan ini. Grojogan Sewu yang berarti "seribu air terjun", air terjun ini terletak di dalam sebuah kawasan hutan lindung seluas 20 ha. Area wisata ini juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas flying fox, arung jeram kecil, duta playground dengan pemancingannya, dan arena outbond dengan taman lalu lintas dan kereta pohon. Tak hanya manusia, ribuan kera juga betah berlama-lama di sini. Mereka berkeliaran dengan bebas tanpa rasa takut pada manusia. Meskipun nampak jinak, namun kita harus tetap waspada karena sewaktu-waktu mereka bisa tiba-tiba mengambil tas ataupun barang bawaan lainnya.
Pedagang makanan dan minuman bertebaran di sekitar air terjun, siap menjadi tempat melepas lelah atau bersantai menikmati udara segar di bawah pepohonan rindang. Makanan yang paling terkenal adalah sate kelinci. Daging kelinci yang sedikit alot namun memiliki serat daging yang lembut dipadu dengan sambal kacang, irisan cabe dan bawang merah, disajikan bersama lontong. Menurut para ahli, selain rendah kolesterol daging kelinci juga memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan. Daging kelinci mengandung zat yang disebut senyawa kitotefin. Senyawa ini apabila digabungkan dengan senyawa lain seperti omega 3 dan 9 disinyalir bisa untuk menyembuhkan penyakit asma. Berdasarkan pengalaman beberapa orang, daging ini juga berkhasiat menurunkan kadar gula bagi para penderita diabetes, sementara otaknya berkhasiat sebagai penyubur kandungan wanita.
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Jadwal Buka
Senin - Minggu pk 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Idul Fitri pk 06.00 - 18.00 WIB

Harga Tiket
Pengunjung domestik: Rp 18.000
Pengunjung mancanegarak: Rp 18.000
Pelajar: Rp 9.000

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